International Religious Freedom

COMECE supports an ambitious and coherent human rights’ policy based on the transcendent dignity of every human being. While embracing the vision that the fundamental and inalienable right to religious freedom is the cornerstone of all human rights, it supports the view that EU decision-makers and officers should pay special attention to this fundamental right, in particular in its external relations. To promote religious freedom and more generally, peace, justice and liberty, COMECE is also involved in ecumenical, intercultural and interreligious dialogues.

17 May 2023

Nigerian Bishop Mgr. Kukah in Brussels to dialogue with EU and Church representatives

H.E. Mgr. Matthew Hassan Kukah, Bishop of Sokoto (Nigeria) received at the COMECE…
#International Religious Freedom
8 February 2023

Cardinal Hollerich demands the release of Bishop Rolando and the other detainees in Nicaragua

The President of COMECE, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich sj., expresses the solidarity of the EU Bishops…
#International Religious Freedom
7 December 2022

EU Bishops congratulate the new EU Special Envoy on FoRB and call on the EC to provide adequate resources

The Bishops of the European Union welcome the appointment of Frans van Daele as EU…
#International Religious Freedom